THE landlord of a Perranporth pub is calling for urgent action after seeing his business flooded four times in one month.
Mike Moyle, who took over the Tywarnhayle Inn in 2010 has been hit by flood waters on November 24, December 22 and again on Christmas and new year's eve. Having spent most of December 31 cleaning up in preparation or his busiest nights trade he is hoping the rain stays off so that he can remain open for the evening's celebrations.
He is demanding action after seeing raw sewage strewn across his pub garden and in the street.Despite South West Water pumps working round the clock to clear the water in the high street, it seeps through the floors and doors as soon as there is heavy rain, said Mr Moyle.The landlord, who has lost lucrative festive bookings and was forced to close for two weeks to clean-up the pub, fears his business will fold unless something is done.
He told the West Briton: "I have contacted South West Water (SWW) and they said it is storm water mixing with sewage and not their problem. I then called Cornwall Council who said its not their problem either but agreed to send in Cormac. A man turned up with three drain rods, it was a joke."
He said that SWW recently removed a large 4Ib stone from a manhole near his pub, but despite removing the blockage foul water was still flooding the area.
"I've been here at 5am at times cleaning flood water, it's going to threaten our business. It's a horrendous situation. Something needs to be done otherwise this will happen every time there is heavy rain."
Everett Johnson, a retired civil structural engineer from Trevellas, said the problem is a serious health hazard and needs proper investigation.
Following a visit to the resort on new year's eve he said: "You could smell the sewage, it was disgusting. I saw sewage floating in the street. It is a serious health hazard. The business and the people of Perranporth should not be suffering like this."