The creators of Wild Woman's Hour broadcast on a Cornish radio station have won a national award for their work to help isolated women learn new skills.
Learning South West is presenting the producers of the monthly programme, broadcast on Radio St Austell Bay and part-funded through an ESF community grant, with the award for Learning through Technology Project. Wild Woman's Hour, which was nominated by the Scary Little Girls Association, uses radio to give a voice to isolated women in Newquay, Bodmin and the Clay villages and offers them the chance to develop technical skills and literacy and build their self esteem.
The South West Award Ceremony takes place next Thursday (MAY 23) at Sandy Park Conference & Banqueting Centre in Exeter where BBC Spotlight reporter Hamish Marshall will present three national winners, and eight regional winners and many nominees from the South West with their awards and certificates.
Emma Gale, nominated by Pentreath Ltd is also European Social Fund South West Individual Award Winner and says of winning her award "I will never stop learning and I am going to want to achieve more in my life"
The ceremony follows Adult Learners' Week which runs for one week from Saturday. Now in its fifth year the festival gives people and organizations the chance to showcase their achievements with events taking place in libraries, cafes, prisons, museums and colleges across the country.
It is the biggest annual learning festival in the UK and last year more than 100,000 people marked it at over 2000 events. Find out what is happening in the South West at