More financial assistance and advice is available to help bring empty properties in Cornwall back into use.
Cornwall Council has been confirmed as a 'primary authority' which means it can refer people to the National Empty Homes Loans Fund.
This offers loans of up to £15,000 per property to cover the cost of necessary renovation work to bring properties up to standard and enable them to be lived in by people with a local housing need.
On Tuesday David Stott, National empty homes loan manager for the Empty Homes Agency, will be visiting the Council's empty homes team.
He said the addition of the fund "would complete the set' of the range of help available via the council to bring empty properties back into use.
"Since adopting its Empty Property Strategy in 2010, Cornwall Council has helped to bring over 500 empty properties back into use and, as a primary authority for the National Empty Homes Loan Fund, the Council will be able refer property owners to the scheme," he said.
The Council also offers its own empty property loan, a maximum of £20,000 per unit of accommodation to carry out work to enhance chances of a sale, or works are required to enable an owner to secure finance.
The loan is also available to convert long term empty buildings into residential accommodation.
Cornwall councillor Geoff Brown, the new Cabinet member responsible for housing and communities, said: "Cornwall is leading the way in bringing empty properties back into use, thereby providing much needed homes for our local people but there is always more we can and must do to address the housing need in our county.
"The financial assistance available provides opportunities, in these challenging financial times, to bring empty properties back into use which will, in turn, reduce the number of potentially derelict properties across Cornwall and provide a boost in construction industry jobs."
If property owners would prefer to let their properties, there is a repair and lease Scheme operated by Chapter 1 housing association, which involves leasing properties to Chapter 1 for a minimum of five years in return for the necessary investment to bring dwellings up to habitable standard.
In addition to financial assistance, the council offers advice about reduced VAT on eligible works, and referrals to private sector leasing schemes which guarantees rental income.
To help promote the assistance available the Council is planning two open days at the One Stop Shops in Camborne, on July 9, and Liskeard, on July 11.