A community project is being set up in Penryn to encourage residents to grow their own vegetables, share produce and buy locally grown food.
A public meeting is taking place next Thursday (March 21) in the Town Hall to discuss the project.
Community Alive Falmouth would like to see fruit and vegetables, herbs and edible flowers growing throughout the town centre and on any unused areas of ground.
The idea is based on 'Incredible Edible Todmorden' - a small, market town in Yorkshire, where they started four years ago and are aiming to be self-sufficient by 2018.
Anyone can get involved the group need people to grow a few seeds, dig, plant, make signs, spread the word, be creative and make suggestions.
The meeting will be at 7.30pm and will include a seed swap.
Anyone who wants more information can e-mail arramore@penryn-college.cornwall.sch.uk.