MOTORISTS using a Bodmin street have got the hump after new traffic-calming measures have seen one "sleeping policeman'' built on top of another.
The town has seen a number of humps created lately in a bid to reduce speeds, but there have been complaints that they are too severe.
Barn Lane has seen high humps erected recently and now a large speed cushion on St Mary's Road, near the Fair Park is causing more controversy. There, a "speed table'' has been introduced to make the road more pedestrian friendly, but local resident Bill May says it is a step too far.
Mr May said: "Cornwall Council, in its wisdom, has seen fit to build speed humps on top of speed humps.
"The humps have been laid on top of a speed platform, which is just crazy,'' said Mr May.
"Most people would agree traffic calming is necessary to stop speeding drivers, but this is a step too far, and people, including me, are worried about the damage they will cause to our vehicles – these double humps could wreck my suspension.''
Local Cornwall councillors backed calls from three primary schools along Barn Lane and Beacon Road for the local authority to introduce measures to curb speeding drivers, and now a series of high humps have been placed along there, and they have caused numerous complaints.
Mr May said: "It looks as if a 20mph limit will soon apply to just about everywhere in Bodmin.
"There is going to be build-outs in Higher Bore Street, too, which will cut the number of parking spaces. It's a job to park there in the evening anyway, and it's going to be chaos."
Cornwall councillor for the area, Ann Kerridge, said she had received many complaints about the Barn Lane speed cushions, and also correspondence from Mr May about the double hump in St Mary's Road.
Mrs Kerridge said: "I'm no fan of speed humps, I don't think they work."